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Meet The Team


Hi, My name is Dana & I am the project coordinator. I am also one of the qualified therapists.  If you see me around the centre come and say hi.

Hi, my name is Amz and I am vice chair for CAN. I look forward to meeting you, I also am one of the therapists who is qualified in a number of disciplines.

Hi, My name is Angela and I am born and bred in Newarthill. I have been chair for a few years now and was one of the original trustees to set CAN up. I look forward to working with all locals and getting Newarthill what it requires and needs.

Hi, My name is Jean and I am one of the original trustees for CAN. I also do befriending and hope to see this continue to grow.

Hi, My Name is Janice. I am the secretary for CAN and I run the ladies group and help out where I can.

Hi, My name is Margaret. I am the Treasurer of CAN. I am Newarthill born and bread and I run the Krafty Kids.

Hi, My name is Kirsty, I am originally from Ayrshire, I mainly deal with social media and the website and volunteers.

Hi, my name is  Andrena, I came to Newarthill when I was 15 and that was 50 years ago. I am a trustee and volunteer at CAN and I am the tea and coffee  marker and greeter

Hi, My name is Heather. I am one of the volunteers so you will see me about the centre so come and say hi.

Hi, My name is Lucy. I am one of the volunteers who started volunteering from the college on placement and I am now a board member.

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